Universal Platform for ISF 7000 Series Shakers

Category Orbital Shaker Accessories
Manufacturer Jeio Tech
Median fulfillment time for Jeio Tech products 5 business days

Universal Platforms for ISF-7000 Series Shakers by Jeio Tech

  • ISF-7100
  • ISF-7100R
  • ISF-7200
  • ISF-7200R

Maximum number of accessories that can be mounted on a universal platform (these accessories are sold separately):

Flask clamps / Funnel clamps

Universal platforms provide flexibility for mixing assortments of test tubes and glassware of varying sizes on a single platform. Various clamps for Erlenmeyer flasks and separatory funnels are available. 

Description ISF 7100 & 7200
Cat. No. Universal platform AAA23503-V3
- Flask clamps(Stainless steel) Erlenmeyer flask size Max. mountable flask clamps
AAA23550 for 50 mL 88
AAA23551 for 100 mL 68
AAA23552 for 250 mL 39
AAA23556 for 300 mL 39
AAA23553 for 500 mL 28
AAA23554 for 1L 18
AAA23555 for 2L 11
AAA23557 for 2.8L 8
AAA23558 for 4L 6
AAA23559 for 6L 5 (ISF only)
- Flask clamps(plastic) Erlenmeyer flask size Max. mountable flask clamps
AAA30570 for 50 mL 88
AAA30571 for 100 ~ 125 mL 48
AAA30572 for 200 mL 35
AAA30573 for 250 mL 35
AAA30574 for 300 mL 35
AAA30575 for 500 mL 24
AAA30576 for 1L 12
AAA30577 for 2L 8
- Funnel clamps separatory funnel size Max. mountable funnel clamps
AAA23562 for 250 mL 15
AAA23563 for 500 mL 10
AAA23564 for 1L 7
AAA23565 for 2L 5

※ Above accessories need to be mounted on a universal platform which is sold separately.

Test tube racks

Easy to release and mount racks made of durable stainless steel with adjustable angle and tube height support. Test tube racks are used with an optional universal platform.

Description ISF 7100 & 7200
Cat.No. Universal platform AAA23053-V3
- Test tube size Mountable capacity of rack*
AAA23581 for 86 test tubes, Ø8mm / Ø0.3˝ 7
AAA23582 for 86 test tubes, Ø10mm / Ø0.4˝
AAA23583 for 58 test tubes, Ø12mm / Ø0.5˝
AAA23584 for 58 test tubes, Ø14mm / Ø0.6˝
AAA23585 for 32 test tubes, Ø17mm / Ø0.7
AAA23586 for 19 test tubes, Ø25mm / Ø1.0˝
AAA23587 for 10 test tubes, Ø30mm / Ø1.2˝
AAA23594 for 10 test tubes, Ø35mm / Ø1.4˝
AAA23593 for 4 test tubes, Ø50mm / Ø1.9˝

* No declination

Microplate holders

Available in three styles: tower type, flat type (small and large), and single type. Tower type holder is for 10 standard or deep well plates. Large flat holder is for 4 standard or deep well plates. Small flat holder is for 3 standard or deep well plates. Single type holder is for 1 standard or deep well plate. (standard well plates’ height: 14.7mm)

Description ISF 7100 & 7200
Cat.No. Universal platform AAA23053-V3
- Microplate holder type Max. mountable microplate holders
AAA23654 Single 25
AAA23651 Tower 21
AAA23652 Flat A(large) 4
AAA23653 Flat B(small) 6

* Microplate holders need to be mounted on an universal platform which is sold separately.

$908 USD
SKU# JT:AAA23503-V3
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