These lightweight, compact orbital shakers are specifically designed to shake microplates. They have speeds and shaking radiuses which provide better fluid motion for microplates, and are usually smaller and less expensive than standard shakers. If you need an orbital shaker specifically for microplate formats, these are the best!
On sale
An optimal method for vortexing and incubating microplates
$2,063 USD
$1,754 USD
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Heating, cooling, and mixing almost any small lab vessel, 300-3000 rpm, Amb-15 to 100°C
$4,887 USD
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Mix and heat in microplates or thube thermoblocks. 300-1,500 or 2,000 rpm, 1.5 mm orbit, up to 100°C
$3,696 USD
On sale
Digital controls with 4 microplates or 2 micro-tube racks weight capacity and speed range from 100 to 1200 rpm
$3,579 USD
$3,043 USD